Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Typography week 8, Foreign Letters

This is about the assignment of Typography class for week 8, is about Foreign Letters-alphabets. Here I have several images of the foreign Letters.

This is we called,"Hana Caraka", it's from Java. The unique of this letters is, each line has connected meaning and if we combine all the lines, it becomes a legend story.

Arabian Letter

This is Balinese Caracters, it's like the "Hana Caraka" but from Bali.

This is Balinese letter.

This is Zhongwen, or Chinese Letter.

The Espana.

It's Deutcsh, it's Germany Letter.
These are Greek Letters.
This is Korean Letter.
This is Nederland Spreken.

The modern Japanese Letter.

The France Letter.

The Russian Letter.

The Thai's Letter, it is the Thai Restaurant's menu. Just for info, the food is really delicious.

This is The traditional Japanese Letter.

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