Friday, March 22, 2013



In a beautiful morning, The MEMITO is walking on the street, enjoying the fresh air.

Then, they see The PUDDINGS in a food store.

The MEMITO wants to be The PUDDINGS's friend so they come closer to the store. But, when they arrived and jumping to see The PUDDINGS, they all gone.

The MEMITO is shocked and wondering why they all gone?
Suddenly the store door is opened and there is a hand who brings The PUDDINGS go.

They think the hand of the girl wanted to kidnap The PUDDINGS, so The MEMITO is going to rescue them. But suddenly...
SPLATT! A familiar sound is coming to our ears, why?
Because The MEMITO was again stepped by the feet. It's the girl's feet.
The just realised that the girl has feet.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The MEMITO Story

Hi, I'm MERRY and I'm the Head Candy for all the red coloured candies.

I have two best friends; they are MIKO and TOBY. Miko is the Head Candy for all of the green candies and Toby is the Head Candy for all the blue candies.

We usually called us "The MEMITO".
Maybe you still confused why we called ourself as the Head Candies?

 First of all, we never called ourself  as the Head Candies before, just a little bit story about our past, that we are the first generation of the Hand Candy production, but we still alive as a freedom candies until now while all the other candies had been packed, sold and eaten by the customers. So, all the younger candies generations respect us and called us, ”The Head Candies”.

What kind of profession is it?
Well, for us it doesn’t matter what they want to call us, because we know they just want us to give them the trick to escape from the workers. But, of course we never want to teach them. Now do you think we are bad guys? Well, sometimes we also think about that, but you must know that the more candies know the way out, the more workers will suspect and the more possibility that our life will become shorter. So, we are The MEMITO, indeed are energetic and smart candies, so we won’t do such a waste things for us. 

Let's go back to the story.
Miko, Toby and I like to go tho the Theme Park. We usually take a bus to get there.

As we arrived to the Theme Park, we immediately go in secretly.

Then we start to enjoying the Theme Park games.

Playing in the Theme park is always fun, BUT, there is also our enemies...
It's The FEET.

Today we will face the FEET together.

But... Suddenly the feet is coming... and... SPLATT!

Today, we still can't win the FEET, but, although we can't beat the FEET, we still "The MEMITO".