Monday, July 30, 2012

Restaurant Names

             This week 3, for typography class, we need to have 15 restaurant names images. We'll analized the typefaces that are used by the restaurant names, and here are the 15 images for the 15 restaurant names..
Name : A&W
It's a fastfood restaurant, like McD and KFC.

Name : Bentoya
It's Japanese Restaurant and also sells yummy sushi.

Name : Dante Coffe
It's usually used for people who wants to spend several hours for internet-ing, or working by laptop, because it has wifi, and also it sell appetizer, main course, and disert too.

Name : Daun Lada
It is a seafood restaurant and the special menu is baked fish.

Name : Dome
A rastaurant that also sells many kinds of ice cream.

Name : Excelso
This is one of my favourite restaurant, because it has many delicious baverages and foods.

Name : Jade Imperial
It's a Chinese Restaurant and recommended.

Name : Kimchi - Go
It's a Korean Restaurant that sells many kinds of kimchi.

Name : Lao Pan
It's a Chinese Restaurant, and also recommended.

Name : Pandan Village
It has many Indonesian food and taste good.

Name : Shichidon
It's a Japanese Restaurant.

Name : Shihlin
It came from Taiwan, and it sells crispy fried chicken.

Name : Sour Sally
It sells many kinds of yoghurts and also the toppings.

Name : The Rocks Resto
It sells manny kinds of steak and also the other foods.

Name : Wendy's
It is like A&W, it is a fast food restaurant.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Saturation and Brightness

In this assignment, our class's topic is about understanding the meaning of hue, saturation, and brightness or value and knowing the gradiations of colors, whether saturation or brightness, and we have to make the color gradiations for the brightness and the saturation.
Brightness or value : is the amount of black or white a hue can have.

Saturation : Is the purity of the color. When is 100% is the purest, when it goes down to zero there is no color (grey).

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Drawing mode

In this assignment, our class's topic is about drawing for designers, and we were learning about how to control making the lines when drawing with lines, and the homework was, we have to make 10 diffrent drawings with 2 versions, first in normal orientation(using our right brain), and the second, still by the same images, but we have to invert the samples, and we start drawing using our left-brain. Here are all my 20 drawings I've made...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Parts of letterform

In this assignment, our class's topic is about typography. We are learning the parts of letterforms and have to make at least 2 samples of each one of the parts. Here are all samples I've made.
Apex, bar, and bowl

Arm, stress, and stroke

Hairline, ascender, and descender

Counter, stem, and serif

Terminal, tail, x-height, ear, link, and loop

Newspaper Assignment

This is typography assignment for week 2. In this case, our class's topic is about analizing the title of newspapers's name. So, here are 15 newspapers's name...
Title : Jawa Pos
This newspaper is the most favourite newspaper in Indonesia, especially for East Jawa, because it contains worth news and easy to read.

Title : Ekonomi
It's only contains economic news in few pages.

Title : Fokus
It's contains many education news and some advertisements.

Title : Jawa Pos
It was the same as the first newspaper (Jawa Pos), but this is only for sunday edition, it more thick and also contains small games.

Title : Klasika
It contains so many advertisement, especially for electronics things and some articles.

Title : Klasika
It contains so many advertisement, especially for electronics things and some articles.

Title : Kompas
This newspaper is come from Jakarta. It contains quite complete news.

Title : Kompas Kita
It contains many articles about success people. It's inspiting.

Title : Metropolis
It contains many Surabaya news.

Title : Radar Gresik
This newspaper only contains Gresik news.

Title : Radar Surabaya
This newspaper only contains Surabaya news.

Title : Radar Sidoarjo
This newspaper contains all about Sidoarjo news.

Title : Smart Woman
This newspaper is for the women. It contains many articles for women.

Title : Sosialita
It contains many sosial news and also some articles.

Title : Surya
It is East Jawa Newspaper but the level is under the Jawa Pos.